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Welcome to Bys Academy

 Story Status: Idea Only  Series Status: Not Funded More Details

Inspiration: This story is set in the “Bystander Universe” and follows the events of Thornwood.

“The Palms of Yore”, a planned retirement community, was meticulously built to look and function exactly like many small, American towns did more than half a century ago. The retirees were drawn by the promise of re-living the nostalgia of their youth, from spreading gossip down at the soda fountain, to gathering around a jukebox to listen to the latest Buddy Holly song, to sharing a meal in the park every Sunday after church. But The Palms were always missing a critical component – the invigorating spark of youth. Everyone who lived there was old and miserable.

Encouraged by his successes with one exceptionally talented young lady from Thornwood High School, Bystander, a mysterious billionaire benefactor, decides to strike out and expand his influence by purchasing and privatizing the already secluded little town. In a stroke of genius, he builds and incorporates a free boarding school into The Palms, calling it Bys Academy, and pours unlimited funds into promoting it and making it a success. Promising a completely free, world-class education and a fast track to a lucrative future, admission to the exclusive prep school is extremely rigorous and only the most qualified students are invited to attend.

Kelly Amberton has been attending the prestigious Bys Academy since sixth grade. One year behind the inaugural class, it’s the only life she has known since she was a child. It took her a while to adjust to leaving modern times to live in the past, especially the absence of modern technology. But the biggest adjustment was the school’s uniform policy, if you can call it that. On her first day, she learned that all Bys Academy students are required to attend class naked. In fact, the policy applied pretty much all the time, even when the students were not in class.

Overnight, the presence of well-behaved, considerate, good looking, and completely naked youth transforms the quaint, 1950’s time capsule into the happiest, most desirable place on Earth to be a retiree. From newspaper delivery boys to soda jerks, dog walkers to candy stripers. Pretty soon, every job in town is being performed by a perky, naked teenager in the prime of their youth. And the senior citizens couldn’t be happier about the youthful spark Bys Academy has brought to their sleepy town.

This story follows Kelly and her fellow students as they live out an authentic 1950’s Americana experience, only without clothes. They learn to be good, productive citizens of their community, and gain valuable experience and education in preparation for their lives beyond The Palms.

Themes: this coming of age story contains frequent public nudity and exhibitionism, and some sexual depictions
