Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of erotic fiction do you write?
Some short stories, but most tend to be long-form with complex characters and progression. Characters “coming of age” and experiencing a sexual awakening during puberty feature prominently with frequent themes of exhibitionism and female public nudity (enf) throughout. But many other themes are also explored, including bondage, authority, mind control, even forced or non-consensual sex.

Put simply, nothing is out of bounds as long as it is interesting and fits into the plot and overall theme of the story, and as long as there’s a naked girl involved :D. But don’t expect extreme themes like violence, scatology, bestiality, or explicit sexual acts involving children. Themes will be clearly posted before every story, so you can avoid something you may find objectionable.

So, what’s in the library?
All my curated works, including the entire Dare Me compendium and the Thornwood series which was written by me under another pseudonym. Old works have also received the latest editing passes to correct past spelling and grammatical mistakes, typo’s, and a few accuracy anachronistic and other mistakes that have been pointed out to me over the years.

Sweet! How do I get a library card?
Every book added to my library is available for download free of charge. So, come on in and make yourself comfortable!

Do you take requests?
No. I fear I would not do justice to a story idea that did not come to me naturally. I could never live up to someone else’s imagination. I only write what I find interesting. However, many great erotic works have inspired my story ideas and I have tried to note my inspirations where possible. Feel free to write your own story and send it to me or post it. Who knows? You may end up inspiring me to write something similar!

What will your next story be about?
Good question! I don’t know yet. But the library also contains my complete catalog of story ideas. I am very much looking forward to telling every single story, if only I were a faster writer. And while I don’t take idea requests, if, while perusing the bookshelf, you come across an interesting series idea that happens to be unfunded, consider funding it. You could be cuddling up with a new favorite in no time!

If you cannot afford to make a monetary contribution, you can always participate in the monthly vote where every series has a chance to receive self-funding towards its goal.

How else can I support you?
Some authors thrive on feedback while others loath it. I fit in the first category. Feedback, whether positive or negative, helps me become a better writer because I at least get to see which parts of my stories are resonating with people. So, get out there and post your comments! If you have really enjoyed reading my stories and would like to go beyond that, you can offer a token of your appreciation through Buy me a Coffee. Thank you! That kind of appreciation will ensure future stories get written.

If I donate, what do I get in return?
I cannot guarantee anything in return, other than my thanks. However, your contributions will help me produce more content. I made sure I could maintain a pace of about a chapter per week before launching this site. Thornwood and the Dare Me series are each well over 250,000 words, but not every story will be that long. So a book that is eight chapters long, should be completed and posted in about eight weeks.

Can I buy your stories somewhere?
I do not charge for my stories. My fiction is perfectly legal within my jurisdiction. To publish my works for sale on an online digital marketplace requires adherence to their content standard (particularly, a requirement that all characters must be adults) which is designed to protect themselves from legal action across every jurisdiction. And rewriting everything with the characters as adults just to meet that arbitrary standard amounts to censorship in my book and just isn’t worth the headache. Self-publishing allows me to maintain control over both my content and my relationship with my readers. If you find a story objectionable, move on. If you live in a jurisdiction that does not allow such content, move on.

How can I get access to your library?
Have you tried the secret knock? 🙂 Seriously, just follow the link on the home page. I believe in honoring an author’s wishes regarding copyright and have had problems in the past with people copying my work and posting it in other places. So, while I do, at this time, allow anonymous access to the library, if this policy becomes a problem, I reserve the right to modify it or revoke access at any time.

How can I get access to the secret bookshelf?
Wait, who told you about the secret bookshelf? I mean, you can’t…because it doesn’t exist.

Are all your stories interconnected?
No. However, the events of Thornwood do exist in a larger universe I call “The Bystander Universe” into which additional stories beyond Thornwood are incorporated. I have noted in my synopses which books would be part of a larger universe or world. Other completed bonus stories (like the ones in Dare Me) are also noted as such.

Anything else you have planned?
I have already tested and plan to add a simple discussion forum soon. In addition to the monthly vote, I may add other games and contests. There could be other stretch goals added, like bonus stories, and unique cover art for each book (instead of one per series). Possibly, I will also build a third, I mean, second bookshelf for other works written by other authors. And on the long term is the ICU network.

What is ICU?
More than most genres, this type of niche erotic fiction depends on a dedicated and talented network of authors. I have seen such networks come and go over the years and some great authors and works disappear with them. To show my appreciation in some small way and hopefully encourage more content, I want to bring attention to the works of authors which have particularly inspired me in this genre. Eventually, I hope the ICU (Independent Creator’s Underground) shelf will have a curated list of authors and works which have inspired my own writing. Other authors who want to showcase their works and be similarly supported could also join the network with their own .icu website built exactly like this one.

How can I join the ICU?
At this time, ICU is still in a conceptual stage. But if you are an author and are interested in me building you an ICU library to showcase your works like this one, reach out to me.

Where are your copyright claims and disclaimers?
Right here!
All my works are Copyright with all rights reserved. Please DO NOT COPY OR REPOST any of these stories on other sites without permission. By accessing any story in the library, the reader hereby certifies that he/she is of an appropriate age to access adult material and that such material is permitted in the locality or country where the reader resides. All stories on this site are creative works of fiction, and the characters or incidents described do not resemble any persons or events in the real world.

The fictional characters and scenes depicted in the cover art are also not real. Everything was digitally generated and is not based on any real people.

What are the site Guidelines?
1) This site is for mature adults 18 or older ONLY

2) This site contains fictional stories primarily of people, mostly girls, being stripped. But many other sexual and erotic themes are also explored. If you are offended by stories of this nature, you should not be here.

3) Stories with “coming of age” themes which may depict sex acts between minors is allowed. However, as a personal preference, depictions of sex between adults and minors is outside the scope of this site and should generally be avoided.

4) The Administrator of this board DOES NOT in any way support, encourage, or condone the use of intimidation or force against anyone. If you cannot tell the difference between erotic literary fiction and real life, you should not be here.

5) If you post something that contains explicit material please make sure it is age appropriate (aka not illegal) and issue a warning letting the reader know in advance.

6) I will not copy, reuse or distribute any post outside the confines of this site. If you post a story and would like different terms applied, please include your own copyright notice. I am a strong believer in respecting an author’s wishes regarding copying their work.

7) Please be respectful. Insults, threats, spam, antagonistic comments, or off topic posts will likely result in a ban. I reserve the right to remove or edit anything I feel is unsuitable for the board or just having a “bad feel” to it such as stories involving young children, pedophilia, excessive violence, gore, etc.